
Force Cafe, Ambleside

This Summer I will be offering a flow class at Ambleside’s Force Cafe. The class will be an hour, with food and drink available once the class is finished. It will be perfect way to end the working week! Move, breathe and ground yourself before embarking on your weekend plans. Depending on the weather, the class could be outdoors in the stunning grounds of the cafe or in a bright and airy room upstairs. Please see upcoming dates below. Booking online is required.

£10pp drop-in class
Friday: 6-7pm.

Westmorland Crossfit


This Wednesday evening class focuses on helping you to wind-down with a slow and gentle flow.
This yoga class will combine multiple yoga poses to create a gentle flowing sequence. The pace is meditative, emphasising peace and calm in body and mind. We hold poses longer, taking several rounds of breath in each pose, instead of moving to each breath. Click below to book a class at this wonderful community hub.

Wednesdays: 7:30-8:30pm


Quiet, floor-based and focused on deep body movements; this Yin yoga class is ideal for de-stressing, unwinding and getting back in touch with your body. Rather than working your muscles, Yin yoga targets the fascial networks, ligaments and joints for a deeper flow.

Yin yoga bridges physical asana practice and meditation and mindfulness practice, making it a great way to improve flexibility, concentration and sleep. Positivity and relaxation for everyone! Expect little golden nuggets of philosophy, delicious long held poses with juicy rebounds to help you feel the echo of each yin asana. This 90 minute class is a perfect way to start your Sunday and recharge for the working week!

Sundays: 10-11:30am